3 Reasons Why Hiring Managers Need to Learn How to Interview

Have you ever hired someone you regret hiring?

Chances are you have.

And, if you’re like most managers, you likely chalked it up to a learning experience and moved on.

But what if there was a better way? That there were specific skills you could learn which would help ensure more successful hires?

Well, there is. And those skills are better interviewing skills.

Most hiring managers receive little to no training in how to interview candidates. And, as a result, they often make poor hiring decisions.

Why Hiring Is a Very Important Task for Managers 

Most hiring managers think that their job is done once they’ve interviewed a few candidates, made a job offer, and the person accepted. That couldn’t be farther than the truth.

One fundamental truth you need to know is that the moment you become a manager, it’s no longer about your results. No. You’re now judged on your team’s results.

That is why you need to be good at hiring.

Here are three main reasons why learning how to interview properly is important if you want to succeed in your role.

1. Inability to Hire People Negatively Affects Your Ability to Meet Goals and Targets

Did someone from the team leave immediately and work is now piling up? Are there new customers and projects coming in, but you can’t hire people fast enough? Are you missing deadlines or targets because you simply can’t find the right people to fill your roles?

You’re not alone.

With the “great resignation,” more and more hiring managers are facing this exact predicament right now.

While good hiring practices mean that you’ll be able to meet your goals and targets, hiring for the wrong reasons (the wrong skills, culture fit, etc.) will only lead to disappointment down the road. You need to make sure that you’re filling your roles with the right people, and that takes time and effort.

It’s important to have a solid plan for hiring so that you can find the best candidates as quickly as possible. Skipping over the planning stages will only lead to frustration on your part and on the part of the candidate.

But that’s not the worse part…

2. Poor Hiring Negatively Affects Your Team’s Morale

Hiring a terrible performer (and worse, tolerating consecutive poor performance) affects the entire team’s morale and their ability to get things done. This is true for both the new hire and the existing team.

For the new hire

When new members don’t feel welcomed and their morale is low, it’s hard for them to get involved in any projects or tasks outside the office which might affect other areas negatively too such as productivity levels at work.

They won’t be as motivated to work and will, ultimately, just result in them leaving. This means you, as the manager, just wasted not only your time but also the organization’s resources. After all, when they leave, you will have to go through the entire hiring process again.

For the existing team members

Hiring a warm body, i.e. someone to fill the role just for the sake of having someone, sends a signal to your team that you don’t place as much importance on them and the work they do. While that may not be your intent, that is what your (poor) hiring decision sends across.

Hey team, because I need someone in this role now, I’m just going to hire the first person I find. It doesn’t matter if they don’t perform at the same level as you guys because I’m the boss and I make decisions around here. Your high performance and ability to get things done don’t matter as much as my own needs.

Don’t just hire anybody. Show that you care about your team members in that you are maintaining high standards so that not just anybody can join the team.

3. Poor Hiring Makes Your Job Harder

It’s a known fact that top performers require less management than poor performers. Top performers know what to do, prepare for tasks and meetings, ask relevant questions that help move projects forward and to better outcomes.

Poor performers don’t do any of those. That’s why you’d have to spend more time with them teaching them things they should know already, or worse, teaching them the same things over and over. Overall, this just makes your job harder than it needs to be.

Bottom Line: Learn How to Interview Effectively

Hiring the wrong person for a job can be disastrous, which is why managers need to learn how to interview. Not only can it affect your bottom line if you hire someone who doesn’t work out, but it also hurts morale and costs time that could have been spent working on other projects.

A good place to start is assessing your interview process.

The right person will make every difference in the workplace, so it’s important not to skimp when interviewing or hiring people into positions of responsibility within your company.

Don’t wait until you regret a hiring decision. Be more confident and become better at hiring using these resources right here.

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